Hey, my name is Barnz! I'm a web developer from the United Kingdom FlagUnited Kingdom

I build web applications and the APIs that power them


Some projects I'm especially proud of:

A project to help me count down to important dates. Built with TypeScript and Sass.

I’m bad at remembering dates, and even worse at calculating how far away they are. This project outsources that task to something more reliable.
Countdown screenshot

A lightweight start page, providing quick access to information that is important to me.

Built with TypeScript, with the intention of being as fast to load as possible. Makes use of the browser’s local storage API to cache data.
Startpage screenshot

This website. My home on the web. Built with Hugo, Sass and TypeScript.

This project is ever evolving and I doubt it’ll ever be finished. screenshot


I don't often write, but when I do it will appear here:

Copy to clipboard

We’ve all seen those handy copy-to-clipboard widgets. A useful tool that saves the user a few keystrokes, and banks the development team valuable UX brownie points. But how…

Embed an iframe in Hugo content

In this short post, I will demonstrate how easy embedding an iframe into any Hugo content can be. Using shortcodes to create a consistent and repeatable method of embedding content…


The best way to contact me is with this shiny form below: