Copy to clipboard

We’ve all seen those handy copy-to-clipboard widgets. A useful tool that saves the user a few keystrokes, and banks the development team valuable UX brownie points. But how…

Embed an iframe in Hugo content

In this short post, I will demonstrate how easy embedding an iframe into any Hugo content can be. Using shortcodes to create a consistent and repeatable method of embedding content…

Toggle switch without JavaScript

Sometimes you need a simple toggle switch, without all the hassle of using JavaScript. This short tutorial will hold your hand through creating just that…

Restore a Suspended Process

Have you ever accidentally hit CTRL+Z while working in a terminal and seemingly lost your current process with no idea how to get it back? Yeah, me too…

Hello World!

Nice to meet you. My name is Barnz, and I’m a web developer from the UK. I love Linux, ramen, and in my spare time I still play the same WWII FPS game I’ve been playing since 2006…

Gulp Multiple Asset Bundles

Gulp is an open source tool that allows you to automate slow and repetitive tasks and integrate them into your build pipelines. This is a fantastic tool to have…