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This domain contains no tracking scripts.

The source code is open-source, and has been released into the public domain under The Unlicense license. Feel free to take a look.

Written content is covered by a Creative Commons license, making it free to be used for any purpose (except commercial).

Privacy policy

The only information I have about your visit to this website is from the webserver logs. These contain basic information about your visit such as your ip address and useragent. These logs are rotated often and not stored long-term.

Preferences you have chosen while using this website (such as using the accent colour picker, or enabling light mode) are stored in your browser’s local storage and the data never leaves your machine. I have no way of knowing that #F733FF is your favourite colour.

Contact form

The contact form submissions are processed by Formspark. You can read their privacy policy here.

Terms & conditions

The site is provided as is, with no guarantees of anything.



Source code is released into the public domain via the “unlicence” license, this includes but is not limited to:

  • Hugo Theme
  • SCSS
  • TypeScript
  • Scripts
  • Tests

For more information on the “unlicense” license, click here.


All written content is covered by the Creative Commons license “CC BY-NC-SA 4.0”, this includes but is not limited to:

  • Blog posts
  • Project content
  • Page content
  • Translations

For more information on the specific Creative Commons license used click here.

Third party software & acknowledgements

We all use open source projects every day. Often without knowing it.

I directly use and want to thank the following projects: